Monday 10 November 2014

My Handcrafts

Counting snake with wiggle eyes @@...A slinky snake that children make and decorate with numbers on its back that help reinforce basic number skills!

Folded shirt with 3D buttons - Children learn how to put the buttons on each shirt that match the color.

Pasta Art!! :)

Monday 15 September 2014

Arts & Crafts

Our kindergarten arts and crafts are designed with age-appropriateness and academic support in mind to help the children understand themes and how colors are used to express feelings and create a mood.

In addition, these arts and crafts help them to develop the motor skills and eye-hand coordination skills, color recognition, and patience, and many also encourage them to learn about holidays, math, seasons, literature, and even basic science. 

Children will have a blast making and decorating the glittering star!

Get ready for School Holiday by making a giant papier-mâché Apple Tree with colorful furry Pom-poms!  :o)

Crown of Shapes

Thursday 11 September 2014

Fine Motor Skill Development

Children have a natural affinity for sand play. Sand play stimulates and develops children's fine motor and creative playing skills and promotes physical development. Large muscle skills develop as children dig, pour, sift, scoop, shape with moulds and clean up spills with brush and dustpan. It is great for sensory therapy. Eye-hand coordination and small muscle control improve as children to manipulate sand accessories.

Mathematical concepts can be developed during sand play with measuring spoons, cups, containers in a variety of sizes and shapes. Teachers can challenge children to count how many scoops it takes to fill in a container. Children can use mathematical term like more/less, many/few, empty/full, heavy/light. It is important that the sand play area remain free and child-centered so that children may generate their own play schemes imaginatively. 

One touch will blow your mind!

The field of early childhood education by describing at a fundamental level how children acquire knowledge with cognitive and perceptual approaches to motor skill in sensorimotor and preoperational period. Example the hand function development of children in the sensorimotor & preoperational period. Roles of vision & cognition and somatosensory sensation in haptic perception.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Developing Pincer Grip

Forming the fingers in just the right way to hold a pencil can be a challenge for some children with fine motor issues or poor muscle tone. Dr. Montessori recognized the need for the young child to build hand strength and to allow for the pincer grip to mature before offering the tool in an effort to prevent the student from developing poor and tiring form. Many of the materials in the Montessori classroom from Practical Life to Geography or designed in a way that promotes strengthening the hand and developing a proper pincer grip.

A child uses her thumb and index finger to hold and manipulate small objects. With a pincer grip, a child can easily twist dials, turn the pages of a book, fastening closures and open a zipper, use scissors and  crayons or pencils with precision.

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Registration is Now Open!!

Registration is Now Open! Don't miss it!
Our program provide a good learning environment which is flexible so that children will enhances varied opportunities to feel safe and supported in which they can learn characteristics in physical, intellectual, linguistic, social and emotional to express their ideas and feelings. Develop creativity, critical thinking, investigate, cognitive problem-solving, discover, collect and classify information about the world build. Clarify concepts, extend knowledge and experience. Understand and explore the usage and meaning of words to communicate effectively with others.

Our Services :

* Enrichment Class (18 months - 36 months) (45mins)
* Toddlers Programme (18 months - 36 months)
* Preschool Programme (4 - 6 years old)

* Before / After School Care (7 - 12 years old)

Our Contact :

Come Join Us! Contact 016-4438001 or 019-5976071 for further information. smile emoticon

email :

Our classroom

    Toddlers classroom 

Periodically enhancement of teaching apparatus 

Sleeping rooms




Cookie Crumbs Nursery & Kindergarten is born!

Learn & Follow the trail of COOKIE CRUMBS
You’re keeping up with the Learning Challenge and unlocking the CLUES, you just might find a TRAIL of COOKIE CRUMBS that leads you right to the path. Stay on your right track! :)

Philosophy We know that each child’s growth must unfold in its own singular way. All children come to school with different needs and capabilities. Our programme embraces the concept of developing the whole child. It reflects an understanding that children learn through active involvement and play and that children represent their knowledge in a variety of ways. It recognizes the social nature of learning and the essential role of language in mediating thought, communication and learning. Our hopes for each child as a learner, individual and nurtured to be self-directed.

Core Belief Our core beliefs guide our approach to teaching and learning for all children. These themes are expressed daily in each classroom, and form the foundation on which our program is built.

- Fun & Learning

We believe that learning should be joyful, mirth, active, open-ended, project-based, creative and collaborative in order to foster children’s independence, accountability, intrinsic motivation, and intellectual curiosity. When provided with supportive and stimulating environments they eagerly engage in hands-on language learning, literacy practices, math play, science exploration, arts and crafts academic support in mind to help the children understand themes and how colours are used to express feelings and create a mood. Recognize and respond to what she or he finds beautiful in the world. Children’s social and emotional skills are developing all the time. To get along in life with others, such as recognizing, expressing and managing a wide range of feelings. Exhibit kindness, caring, respect and empathy for others as they form the foundations for children’s ongoing development and affect their mental health and wellbeing, now and into the future.

Our Mission - We provide a good learning environment which is flexible so that children will enhances varied opportunities to feel safe and supported in which they can learn characteristics in physical, intellectual, linguistic, social and emotional to express their ideas and feelings. Develop creativity, critical thinking, investigate, cognitive problem-solving, discover, collect and classify information about the world build. Clarify concepts, extend knowledge and experience. Understand and explore the usage and meaning of words to communicate effectively with others.

Our Curriculums - Our curriculum is designed to address all areas of development (social, emotional, physical, academic , intellectual, creativity and the arts) and to meet needs of diverse groups of learners. Children are active learners: touching, trying, moving, talking, writing, drawing, thinking, solving & questioning. Throughout our day the children have opportunities to explore, investigate, and predict. The outdoors activities will be accessed by all the children throughout the day, to give them plenty of fresh air and vitamin D. :)

Our Services :

* Enrichment Class (18 months - 36 months) (45mins)
* Toddlers Programme (18 months - 36 months)
* Preschool Programme (4 - 6 years old)

* Before / After school care (7 -12 years old)

Our Contact :

Come Join Us! Contact 016-4438001 or 019-5976071 for further information. smile emoticon

email :

Cookie Crumbs is born! Welcome to explore! :)